Presentation of Ambassadors of Good Will for the City of Oceanside
August 18, 2010

Miss Oceanside 2010, Miss Teen Oceanside 2010 and their Princessses were presented during the Council Meeting of the City of Oceanside on August 18, 2010 as Ambassadors of Goodwil for the City of Oceanside. The presentation of Miss Oceanside 2010, Lauryn Moses; Teen Miss Oceanside, Demi Mundo; Princesses 2010 Bridggette Hoffman, Elise Cruz; Teen Princesses Jonelle Guy, Angelica Zamora, Jackie Montano was attended by Pam Pahnke, pageant coordinator; Miss North San Diego County 2010 Lion Jessica Lucas; Princess Oceanside 2009 Lion Linzie Campbell; Lion pres. Zucette Lumabas; Lion treas. Rica Derosier; Dir. Kathleen Shoup; Lion Belle Limoge; Lion Hank Limoge; Lion Barbara Yates. Joining them in the picture is Oceanside Mayor Jim Wood.


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