Oceanside Sea Lions Club Board of Directors installed by Past
International Director Bill Crawford
16, 2021
Oceanside Sea Lions Club Board of Directors was installed
by the amazing Past International Director Bill Crawford on
August 16, 2021 at Olive Garden. The Board of Directors 2020-2021
were given Achievement Certificates and medal of Service by
our awesome President Pam Pahnke. Congratulations Ysela Sharp
Lion of the Year, Julie Hiltsley for being the chair of the
first Golf Tournament and Zucette Lumabas Outstanding Volunteer
of the Year. Perfect Attendance pins were given to President
Pam Pahnke, VP1 Belle Limoge, VP2 Zucette Lumabas, Sec./Treas
Carol Boyer and Tail Twister Ysela Sharp.
International Director Bill Crawford installed Board of Directors
2021-2022 who were present at the event:
President Pam Pahnke
1st Vice President Belle Limoge
2nd Vice President Zucette Lumabas
Secretary/Treasurer Carol Boyer
Tail Twister Ysela Sharp
Lion Tamer Mel Lopez
Director 1 yr Feri Joon
Director 2 yr Esther Adversalo
PDG Julie Crawford, 2nd VDG Julio and his wife Lisa de Guzman
attended the event. Lion members present were PP Liz Latasa,
Marc Manlapaz, Susan Prince, Susan Batel, JM Ureta, etc..
It was an enjoyable and full of energy event. The club under
the able leadership of our esteemed president Pam donated
a lot to charities from our fundraisers the Scholarship Pageant
and Golf Tournament. We looked to another very successful
year. May God continue to bless us. More power to our club!