President Belle Limoge first meeting as OSLC president
July 18, 2023
Oceanside Sea Lions Club had a very successful and informative board meeting on July 18, 2023 at Ihop led by our néw amazing President Belle Limoge who had outlined her great plans with approval of the board. There was a lively discussion! It was followed by a general meeting! More great ideas, new committees! Board of directors present were President Belle Limoge, VP1 Zucette Lumabas, VP2 Marc Manlapaz, Secretary Pam Pahnke, Treasurer Carol Boyer, Lion Tamer Mel Lopez, Tail Twister Calso Coleman, Directors Ysela Castillo Sharp, Julie Hiltsey, Pranee Johnson, Membership Esther Francia Adversalo. Lions Elizabeth Carlson, Andee Erwin, Bong Reyes. More power to you all!

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