Lions of San Diego & Imperial Counties Installation of
2016-2017 District Cabinet & Club Presidents

July 10, 2016

Oceanside Sea Lions attended the Lions of San Diego & Imperial Counties Installation of 2016-2017 District Cabinet & Club Presidents on July 10, 2016 held at Holiday Inn Bayside San Diego. District Governor Dave Roberts and his cabinet were installed by Past International President Joe Preston. President Jackie Knapp along with other club presidents were inducted by PIP Joe Preston. Oceanside Sea Lions who attended also were VP Liz Latasa, Community Liaison Pam Pahnke, Director Gloria Ash, Lion Dr. Fred Knapp, Director Zucette Lumabas. Great job Blessie Tuason Sanchez Trott and DG installation committee. It was a solemn, fun, awesome event. Zucette won twice in the drawing. It's the winning she liked.

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