Installation of the 2015-2016 OSLC officers

June 23, 2015

The installation of Oceanside Sea Lions Club 2015-2016 executive board was held at Lion Dr. Fred and Club President Jackie Knapp's residence in June 23, 2015. Installed were the officers: club president Jackie Knapp, vice-president Liz Latasa, secretary/lion tamer Ed Ash, treasurer Rica Derosier, tail twister Pam Pahnke; board of director 2 years Zucette Lumabas, Gloria Ash, 1 year Pam Pahnke, Dr. Fred Knapp; membership chairman Gloria Ash. Zucette Lumabas immediate past president- mentor according to DG Mary Rynearson who installed the officers and board of directors; and inducted Mary Grace as the new lion. Thank you DG Mary Rynearson. It was a fun, wonderful , and every one in their best behavior meeting. Our hosts were so gracious and hospitable. There were plenty of food. Outgoing officers were given beautiful plaques for a job well done. Thank you Lion Gloria Ash. I felt when I received the big plaque for president all the sacrifices were worth it and the times of great camaraderie were moments to treasure and cherish. It was an honor to have that recognition and I thank you. Congratulations Lion Pam Pahnke for receiving an exemplary performance trophy. More power to the officers and board of directors and to the club. My thanks, gratitude and deepest appreciation to everyone, Zucette.

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