Sea Lions receive the Excellence in Effort Award
02, 2015
Sea Lions received the "Excellence in Effort Award as
the outstanding club in the district for dedicated service
in providing programs and assistance to aid people who are
blind or have low vision" at Lions Club International
Districf 4-L6 San Diego & Imperial Counties 73rd Annual
Districf Convention May 2-3, 2015 held at Hilton Garden Inn
at Pivot Point, Yuma, Arizona. It was attended by PDG Ted
Van Kirk, Secretary Ed Ash, co-chairman Gloria Ash and club
president Zucette Lumabas. International Director Michael
Molenda, District Governor Mary Rynearson, and other club
officers like Club President Rebecca and Secretary Richard
of San Marcos Lions Club are in the picture. It was an informative,
exciting, awesome, lots of camaraderie, plenty of awards and
recognition given, how are you event.
