General meeting and election of officers

May 18, 2021

Oceanside Sea Lions Club had a fun and productive meeting led by awesome President Pam Pahnke. It was the first general meeting in person in over a year. Lots of activities planned. We are always looking for more people that love to volunteer and be a part of our team. We had a new member who joined. Officers elected for the year 2021-2022 were: President-Pam Pahnke; 1st Vice President- Belle Limoge; 2nd Vice President- Zucette Lumabas, Secretary/Treasurer -Carol Boyer; Tail Twister -Ysela Sharp; Lion Tamer-Mel Lopez; Membership-open.

For 2021-2023:
2 Year Director-Cal Coleman
2 Year Director-Esther Adversalo
Finishing One year Directors 2021-2022: Feri Joon and Dee Brown.
Congratulations!!! Pageant, Golf and other events were discussed. We had lots of fun.

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