Proclamation of Queens & Princesses

March 27, 2019

Proclamation of beautiful, talented Queens & Princesses was done at the Oceanside Council Chamber on March 27, 2019. It was an amazing year as ambassadors for City of Oceanside, Oceanside Chamber of Commerce and Oceanside Sea Lions Club. Congratulations and our deepest appreciation. The pageant is sponsored by Oceanside Sea Lions Club. Mayor Peter Weiss was awesome. Present were 2018 Miss Oceanside Sarah Holloway, Miss Teen Oceanside Kayla Ann, Princess Carmen Gagliardi, Princess Shayla Love, Teen Princess Kassidy Betz, Teen Princess Bella Teta, Teen Princess Courtney Peluso. The Oceanside Sea Lions present were President Liz Latasa, VP Pam Pahnke, Secretary Belle Limoge, Treasurer Carol Boyer, Director Zucette Lumabas, Tail Twister Coleen Woodbeck, Lions Bonnie Mitchell, George Mitchell, Dennis Sisneros, Ysella Sharp and Susan Prince.

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