Coffee with a Cop
19, 2019
The Oceanside Police
Department and community members adopted Coffee with a Cop
to come together in an informal, neutral space to discuss
community issues, build relationships, and drink coffee. Coffee
with a Cop provides a unique opportunity for community members
to ask questions and learn more about the departments
work in Oceanside's neighborhoods. Its also an opportunity
to thank them for the amazing things they do for the community.
I also learned more about the police department. Our thanks
and deepest appreciation for their service. I was glad to
see again Sgt. Rick Favella, Ashley Sanchez, Sgt. Lopez, Ret.
Sgt. Leonard Cosby, Lt. Taurino Valdovinos, Officer Tom Cahil,
Officer Adam Stingley, and to meet Officer Candido Guevara,
and Officer Ashley Witherspoon, to name a few.......May the
Good Lord keep them safe. By Zucette Lumabas
