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Oceanside Sea Lions Club Welcomes Newest Member
June 18, 2014
CA- The Oceanside Sea Lions Club welcomes their newest member,
Mely Sivage. The Oceanside Sea Lions meets on the 1st and
3rd Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the China Star Restaurant in Oceanside.
Guests and new members are welcome.
The Oceanside Sea Lions
is one of over 45,000 Lions Clubs allied with Lions International,
a service-oriented organization with 2.8 million members worldwide.
Melvin Jones started the first Lions Club in Chicago in 1917.
Since 1923, when Helen
Keller challenged the Lions to become the Knights of
the Blind, sight conservation has been the primary mission
of the Lions. Throughout the world, Lions have dedicated themselves
to take up Miss Kellers challenge.
The Oceanside Sea Lions
have taken this challenge to heart. Since the 1960?s (with
the help of generous local eye doctors), they have furnished
eyeglasses for thousands of children in the Oceanside, California
area. In addition, they have sent several people to the Southern
California Lions Eye Institute in Santa Monica for eye
operations performed by highly skilled surgeons at little
or not cost to the recipients.
They also support many
local organizations such as Boys and Girls Clubs and Local
Schools, Women Resource Center, and Brother Bennos, and more.
All this takes time and money. To achieve these goals, the
Sea Lions have three major fundraisers annually.
Since 1981, the Oceanside
Sea Lions have sponsored the Miss Oceanside Pageant. This
pageant provides great talents and develops self-esteem in
young women. The winners and princesses become goodwill ambassadors
for the City of Oceanside and participate in various civic
and charity events throughout the year.

to right: Secretary: Lion Ed Ash, Lion Mely Sivage, President:Lion
Zucette Lumabas (courtesy photo)
