Oceanside Sea Lions attend FACO Holiday
11, 2016
Oceanside Sea Lions
President Jackie Knapp, VP Liz Latasa, Treasurer Rica Derosier,
Director Gloria Ash, Director Gracie Rosenbarker, Director/FACO
VP Zucette Lumabas, Dr. Fred Knapp, Lion/ FACO president Belle
Limoge, Thelma Pantig, Carol Boyer attended the FACO Hiyas
Awards, Induction of officers 2017-2018 and Holiday Ball on
December 11, 2016 at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort and Spa.
Mayor Jim Wood, OFA president Dave Overton and his family,
Firefighter Deputy Chief Joe Ward, OFA VP Luc Keener and his
wife, Firefighter Kellen Harris, Honorary Consul Audie de
Castro, awesome singer Alessja Morales and her mom Yolanda,
and plenty of guests attended almost 350. It was a very successful
event with ladies and gentlemen in their formal, semi-formal
attires, great socialization, delicious food, drawing with
beautiful and expensive gifts, lots of dancing, awards, plaques
and induction. It was an event to remember.
