Oceanside Sea Lions officers attend OFD Open House
October 24, 2022
Oceanside Sea Lions Officer attended Oceanside Fire Department ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE EVENT at the New Location FIRE TRAINING CENTER made possible by the funding provided by Measure X. Yay! Congratulations our heroes first responders on your very successful open house. That demo going up the long ladder to the building and down the building with equipments with that rope looked frightening but our heroes first responders made it up & down without a problem. They also showed the engine with short ladder and water how to rescue, then connected to the fire hydrant to get more water. There were more! With this demo we appreciate more what they do for us! They are heroes no need to prove it. Thank you for this outstanding demo my fav first responders, heroes, handsome, intelligent, amazing, FF PM Jacob Chambers, Capt. Blake Dorse, Capt. Chris Vaughn, Capt. Shawn Fernandes, FF PM David Pepsny, FF PM Merzanis, Eng. Eric Nichols and others. Great to see OFD Deputy Fire Chief Peter Lawrence, Lynne Seabloom, Teri Brown. Thank you for the invite OFD Linda McLaughlin! I saw the awesome Fmr Fire Chief Rick Robinson connecting with the firefighters and visitors! There were different booths where they demonstrated the CPR, etc…Special thanks to the handsome and helpful Lifeguard Matt Mattison who guided me through the “maze” to the gate so it was easy for me to get out! I enjoyed the OFD Annual Open House. I’m glad I went there for I appreciate a lot more what our heroes do! Our deepest appreciation and thanks to all that you do and for this demo! May the Good Lord bless you and keep you safe always.