Lions Clubs 101st International Convention

June 30- July 2, 2018

Lions Club International 101st yr. Convention was held June 29, 2018 to July 3, 2018 at MGM Grand, Las Vegas. How can one describe such an awesome experience? In 1925 Helen Keller challenged the Lions to be the Knights of the Blind. From eyesight conservation, Diabetes to high tech My Lion, membership >1.4millions, and millions of people served....We started early to go to Las Vegas....went to Peggy Sue Diner, Yermo, CA and enjoyed the yummy food with so many memorabilia like Elvis Presley.....We checked in in MGM Grand where most of the action was. There were so many Lions from all over the world, some friendly some not...Lion Pam Pahnke was wonderful. There were a lot of activities. We proceeded to registration. One can only use transparent bags for safety reason. We socialized and ate with Lion Carol Boyer at Wolfgang Puck. We attended several seminars, went to the stores, exhibits, walked.....walked.....walked. I've never walked as much as I've walked there. There were so many Lions from different countries wearing beautiful costumes. We had dinner at the Grand Buffet, so yummy. We watched an amazing show, Cirque Soleil. We enjoyed the monorail. Dr. Sonjay Gupta was fantastic, spoke about Diabetes, statistics. President Naresh Aggarwal was amazing. The days were of recognition of past president, past officers, members running for office, different flags, Lions, Leos, projects, entertainment, socialization, networking.....There's pride in being a Lion, WE SERVE.

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