Oceanside Sea Lions Club celebrates 50th Anniversary

June 16, 2018

Oceanside Sea Lions Club celebrated it’s 50th Anniversary at the Jolly Rogers Restaurant on June 16, 2018. Congratulations on the successful event President Liz Latasa, VP Pam Pahnke and others who contributed. James Brown was very funny with his “roast” to the enjoyment of every one. Thank you Mary Rynearson for inducting the new officers July 1, 2018- June 30, 2019: President/Lion Tamer Liz Latasa, VP Pam Pahnke, Secretary Belle Limoge, Treasurer Carol Boyer, Tail Twisters Colleen Woodbeck & Ysella Sharp, Membership Chair Jackie Knapp, 2 yr. Directors Marc Manlapaz & Dee Brown, 1 yr. Directors Zucette Lumabas & Karen Zornes. Awards were given to Carol Boyer 2018 Lion of the Year (previous recipients were Pam Pahnke 2016, Zucette Lumabas 2017), Pam Pahnke Perfect Attendance pin, Certificates of Recognition Dee Brown, Rose Lewis & Bonnie Mitchell, Certificate of Appreciation James Brown, Zucette Lumabas received Perfect Attendance pin, Certificate of Recognition and leadership pin, Certificate of Appreciation, Plaque for Outstanding Dedication and Service to Oceanside Sea Lions Club. Congratulations to the officers, directors and to the awardees. It was a fun evening.

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