Oceanside Firefighters Association receives a trophy
November 4, 2022
Oceanside Firefighters Association was presented a Trophy Most Sponsors by Oceanside Sea Lions Club from Bowl of the Blind event at Firestation 7 on November 4, 2022. The award was received by my favorites, hardworking, handsome, amazing, supportive, thoughtful OFA Community Outreach Chair FF PM Jacob Chambers, Capt. Mark Rowe, OFA Treasurer Ryan Byrne, FF PM Dan Karrer, Capt Josh Henry, Eng Kris Kaminski, EMT Bryan Applegate, EMT Zach knobbe~Hewitt.….Prayers for their safety. May they be able to rest, no injury and have the strength to do this formidable task with success. They are heroes no need to prove it. They run to danger while we ran away. Thank you for your service! They worked long hours and sacrifice their comfort to make sure we are safe! We’re so thankful to know these hardworking, intelligent, handsome, awesome, great father/husband/bf firefighters. May the Good Lord continue to keep them safe, healthy and successful!